Innovator in Reunion Island
Videos | MentDB Weak Server
Quick Start
ETL - Extract Transform Load
ESB - Enterprise Service Bus
SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
Web development
Machine learning
Old videos
W106 - Installing MentDB (2.2.4 and up)
Quick Start
W2 - Getting started with the MQL editor
W132 - Deploiment in GUI mode
W128 - Function mode for environment manager
W119 - MQL Versioning
W111 - Control many MentDB with one Editor
W108 - Make a MentDB backup (2.2.5 and up)
W110 - Download and Upload file
W107 - Restore a backup (2.2.5 and up)
W8 - Variable environments
W9 - Statement functions
W12 - The basics of MQL
W20 - Manipulate a JSON document in memory
W34 - Execute portions of codes
W35 - Browse scripts
W36 - Spot differences in 2 MQL scripts
W37 - Web portal access
W38 - Visualize SQL data with the editor
W69 - Comment Management
ETL - Extract Transform Load
W131 - Compress a PDF with image
W126 - ETL Generator
W117 - Several SQL DB into a centralized DB
W20 - Manipulate a JSON document
W127 - Client FTP, sFTP, FTPs, SSH and CIFS
W30 - Import JSON file to DB SQL
W29 - Import XML file to DB SQL
W28 - Import CSV file to DB SQL
W27 - Import Excel/Excelx file to DB SQL
W94 - Call a Remote REST Web-Service
W93 - Call a Remote SOAP Web-Service
W92 - Retrieve mail from the IMAP protocol
W91 - Retrieve mail from the POP3 protocol
W89 - File Transfer Through FTP FTPS SFTP
W88 - File Transfer and Execution through ssh
W87 - Scraping web
W86 - Excel File Manipulation
W85 - Generate Microsoft Word documents
W67 - Mathematical and physical constant
W62 - Check data type
W61 - File watcher
W54 - Send mail (SMTP)
W52 - File copy between MentDB server (tunnel)
W51 - Manipulation of text or binary file
W47 - DB SQL export to CSV file
W46 - DB SQL export to JSON file
W45 - DB SQL export to XML file
W44 - DB SQL export to HTML file
W43 - DB SQL export to Excel/Excelx file
W42 - Extract data from a SQL DB (select)
W41 - DML request (insert/update/delete)
W40 - Manipulate SQL transactions
W39 - Export with the generator
W33 - Compression and decompression
W32 - The connection manager
W25 - PDF Export
W24 - Multi-valued strings
W15 - Data transformation
W104 - Parse web site automatically
W96 - Encryption functions
W118 - Call GLPI throught REST web service
W120 - Microsoft Azure throught IMAP
ESB - Enterprise Service Bus
W124 - Stack priority and nb max thread
W16 - Running asynchronous processes
W14 - Job Management (scheduler)
SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
W3 - Quick APIsation ...
W13 - Method: post get put delete exe conf app
W6 - Tunnel management
W19 - High availability (clustering)
W5 - The 7 MQL execution methods
W63 - Parallel Calculation
W4 - User and script right
Web development
W129 - Web structure of a management application
W125 - CRUD Generator
W48 - Create Web App (back-office) with SCRUD
W75 - Adding charts to your web applications
W105 - Portal web 2
W83 - Change the menu of your web application
W82 - Default User: admin and system
W81 - Adding new web pages
W80 - Navigation between pages
W79 - Add HTML code directly to a page
W78 - Addition of HTML code on 'onload' event
W77 - SAJAX Tech: Ajax server side without WS
W76 - Add a button to run MQL
W74 - Display of a modal form or not
W73 - Displaying a form by clicking a button
W72 - JSON environment of a Web application
W71 - Parameter passing between Web pages
W70 - Restarting the Web Server
W55 - Virtual Host
Machine Learning
W17 - Chatbot manager
W49 - Product search with its description
W112 - Manage Mentalese context
W103 - Polynomial prediction
W100 - DeepLearning4J and CSV
W59 - NLP Text Classification - Bayesian
W58 - Multiple Regression
W57 - Training of a NN on CSV (feed forward)
W56 - NLP Text Classification - Naive Bayesian
W50 - Manipulation of 'Mentalese' commands
W31 - Linear regression
W22 - Calculates the shortest route
W21 - Locate data clusters (Data-Science)
W18 - Data quality
W121 - Get variables from string
W123 - Execution report
W23 - Access to the OS
W90 - The server.conf configuration file
W84 - Metric and Session
W68 - Reloading the server.conf file
W66 - Eval function
W65 - Kill MentDB session
W64 - Kill process in background
W60 - MQL execution at startup and shutdown
W11 - Management of parameters
W7 - Log management
W10 - Sequence management (MDBW <= v2.4.3)
Old videos
W97 - Installing MentDB (2.1.5 and up)
W1 - Installing MentDB (2.1.4 and down)
W20 - Manipulate a JSON document in memory
W95 - MentDB file system extension (MDBW <= v2.4.3)
W53 - MQL Transaction (MDBW <= v2.4.3)
W26 - Management of the 'file system' (MDBW <= v2.4.3)
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